Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Fun with BigHugeLabs

I'm doing some study at the moment in web communications and it's fascinating! Today we were talking about content sharing and about using content created by others and all the issues surrounding it such as copyright etc.

Anyway, our task was to create a magazine cover, movie poster or magazine poster. I chose to create a motivational poster and of course the theme had to be craft related.

Click on the image to see a larger version.
Image hosted @ bighugelabs.com

RIP Wardrobe Refashion

I cannot believe it!

I'm sorry to say that just as I managed to get my act together to join Wardrobe Refashion, Nikki the site's owner announced that the site is closing to all new signups and posts.

Kudos to Nikki for what she has achieved with Wardrobe Refashion, she and the site will be sorely missed.

All existing Wardrobe Refashion posts will say online for browsing and Nikki will continue with her personal blog.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

I'm Wardrobe Refashioning

I've just joined Wardrobe Refashion, in my opinion one of the most creative and worthwhile craft projects going around. The site is essentially a multi-authored blog co-written by contributors from around the world who have pledged to "abstain from the purchase of new manufactured clothing for the period of 2, 4, 6 months or LIFE. They promise to refashion, renovate, and recycle preloved items with their own hands in fabric, yarn or other medium or make their own from scratch."

A perfect blend of fashion, creativity and environmentalism - three things close to my heart.

I've signed up for four months, how about you?

Monday, October 18, 2010

From stash to Vogue...

I am a terrible hoarder and keeper of unfinished projects (I take after my Mum). My 'stash' is full of fabric pieces and patterns bought so long ago I'd forgotten I even had them! So before I go out and buy more stuff for my summer sewing, I am determined to work through my stash and use up as much as I can.

I bought this fabric one or two seasons ago, intending to make a long-sleeved tunic style blouse. But I think the fun colours work perfectly with this casual style. I used Vogue sewing pattern V8495 (also from my stash and never used until now). I made top A which has cap sleeves extending from the yoke. It was pretty easy to make and I am really pleased with the results so I will use this one again.

I have already worn this top tucked into dark jeans but I think it will also look great loose with my black three-quarter length cargo pants. I reckon I could also wear it to work with a smart skirt. Very versatile!

Joint project

My Mum was always making something by hand and of course I wanted to join in. By way of countless projects over many years, she taught me how to sew, knit and crochet.

As a teenager I had more time than money, so being able to make my own clothes was a bonus. Mum had infinitely more patience than me so her results were always better, but I managed to throw together some pretty funky handmade outfits over the years.

Sadly, my lovely Mum died a few years ago. A few months before she passed away, she had started knitting me a poncho. She had made me one as a girl and I requested this more up-to-date replacement!

It was a good few years before I could bring myself to pick up the half-finished project that Mum left behind but I am so glad that I eventually did. Mum had knitted the back of the poncho and was half way through the front. I finished the front, sewed it up, kitted the collar and added the fringing. I wear it a lot in the cooler weather and it gives me comfort to know that Mum and I knitted it together.